Saturday, August 15, 2009

Can We Predict the Future Gadgets?

No one can know the future. But can we predict the future gadgets? The answer is yes, of course our prediction will not be 100% accurate. We predict the future gadgets by paying attention to current trends. The trends will guide us to discover what devices will become part of our life.

The trends for the gadgets of the future are:

• Miniaturization
• Futuristic and bold design
• LCD with touchpad usage
• Usage of hi tech and hi speed chips
• Usage of green, eco technologies

The trend in technology is to create ever-smaller scales for first mechanical, then optical and most recently electronic devices. The miniaturization trend can be traced back to ancient times both as an abstract science and a physical practice, beginning with atomic theories of the nature of matter and the use of early microscopes and leading, centuries later, to the current sciences of nanotechnology and molecular nanotechnology.

Regarding the gadgets the miniaturization is transforming them into: easy to use, easy to fit everywhere carry, travel and store devices.

Futuristic and bold design
All the actual gadgets have great design. The new devices use futuristic designs or a combination between classic design and futuristic one. Another popular combination is retro futuristic design.
The trend for the hi tech is to adopt a futuristic design.
Of course there will be a large number of simple devices which will use the classic design. This gadgets are for the ones who consider simplicity to be the new complexity and for the ones who don't like hi tech and adopt very hard new items.

LCD with touch screens
Touch Screens are cool and are becoming more and more present on different types of gadgets.
The future gadgets must use touch screens because there are simple to use and have enormous popularity. A big plus for using touch screens is the new technology which permits making cheaper electronics.

Touch screens are use today for gadgets like: mp4 players, car Cd-Mp3-Radio's, GPSs, mobile phones, computer monitors, LCD TVs, PDA's.

Usage of hi tech and hi speed chips
The impact of this tiny chip has been far-reaching. Many of the electronics products of today could not have been developed without it. The chip virtually created the modern computer industry, transforming yesterday's room-size machines into today's array of mainframes, minicomputers and personal computers.

The integrated circuits made the gadgets faster and smaller. They played a major part in the miniaturization process.

The gadgets for the future will use tiny, but powerful chips which will make them super powerful.
Now the hi tech gadgets are very popular. Mp players, mobile phones, games consoles, hi fi audio systems, GPSs and PDAs are best sellers.

The gadgets which don't use hi technology will continue to exist for two categories of people: the ones who prefer simple things and the ones who don't like technology.

The usage of green, eco technologies
Eco technologies became more and more popular in our days. The love for nature encouraged people to protect it and adopt environment friendly technologies. The trend for the new gadgets is to use less energy to operate and to be recyclable. Solar power is used as much as possible because it is free and harmless for the environment.

The gadgets of the future will be smaller, smarter, faster and more eco friendly.

By : Dan Ionescu
Dan Ionescu is the website editor and copyrighter of the future gadgets blog where you'll find all the latest gadgets and gizmos. Visit the blog now at :

1 comment:

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